Meet Judith
“What I appreciate about Mile High 360 are the opportunities I’m given that I never thought I had access to before.”
Judith recently finished her first year at Colorado Mesa University. She was accepted into a highly coveted work study on the Facilities team, working as an electrician, which falls right in line with her goal of becoming an electrical engineer. Such jobs are almost never awarded to first-years, but Judith was accepted almost immediately. Judith is participating in the CU Boulder-CMU Partnership, which means she earns her degree through CU-Boulder while taking her classes at CMU to get more hands-on learning with a much smaller student to teacher ratio. In her last year, she will have the chance to build something for a company that could potentially hire her after graduation.
Currently, Judith is most excited about finishing her first-year engineering project. "Most schools don't give you money to actually make something in your first year!" She and 3 other students were given $200 to create a 3D Solids of Revolution Calculus I Model. Her group created a visual representation of the area under a curve as it rotates around an axis on a graph, shown as a 3d object. Judith is proud to have finished her project and to present it to the class. We can't wait to see what Judith does next!