Where Your Investment Goes
It’s important to know what your investment is funding. Each student, regardless of cohort, will complete over 3,700 hours of programming with Mile High 360. Learning to successfully attend a post-secondary institution doesn’t happen overnight; it takes a lot of time and intentional support.
Your investment funds the out-of-school resources and opportunities (Academics, Health and Wellness, Life Skills, & Mentoring) that play a crucial role in leading to a life of independence and choice. Your investment funds each student’s commitment to building independence through education.
10th grade academic support focuses on the transition to the rigors of high school. This includes learning how to take exams, managing time effectively, becoming more independent learners, and starting to see and think of themselves as successful students who belong in a post-secondary world.
The 10th grade life skills curriculum is anchored by a fall trip with Colorado Outward Bound, where student members challenge themselves and others to become more independent and walk outside of their comfort zones. Through extended partnerships, 9th graders have opportunities to travel domestically and internationally and engage in community service activities.
We attend to students’ evolving identities, sense of belonging, and agency through a combination of physical and mental health activities and resources. Over the course of the year, we use the Body Positive framework to engage students in physical exercise, cooking, and nutrition activities, as well as social-emotional sessions.
In addition to each Pike Peak member participating in 425 hours of annual programming with MH360, each student also spends 40 hours per year with a mentor. The mentor/mentee relationship is invaluable; at a time when friends can come and go and peer pressure is unrelenting, this relationship is consistent, stable, and provides an outlet from some of life's pressure.
8th graders spend a significant amount of their total time shoring up their academic skills and habits. From learning study skills to discipline-specific tutoring and from project-based writing activities to book clubs, 8th grade students work to develop the skills they need to support their own learning. Additionally, 8th graders visit a number of local universities and colleges, and they hear from members of other cohorts that are attending postsecondary institutions.
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For this cohort, the transition to postsecondary academics is challenging, to say the least. On their own for the first time, they must learn to navigate this unfamiliar landscape of post-secondary learning. Mile High 360 plays a coaching role, helping students learn to talk with advisors and leverage campus resources to support academic progress.
Working with our Post-Secondary Advisor, members have the opportunity to participate in a cumulative service learning project, summertime and out of school time travel, summer internships, resume and networking sessions, and regular workshops to strengthen financial literacy skills and early career navigation.
As students navigate a brand new educational system (new academic expectations, independent learning, much larger campus, being away from home, etc.), Mile High 360’s focus on social/emotional health and wellness becomes a priority. Our dedicated Post-Secondary Advisor works with these members to utilize the resources on their campuses and local communities to stay both physically active and mentally fit. During postsecondary breaks, members have the opportunity to participate in an array of supportive programming, e.g., nutrition classes, therapeutic support, financial planning, and apply for health-focused internships.
In addition to the other supportive programming, postsecondary members spend an average of four hours a month connecting with their postsecondary peers to workshop the challenges that first-generation college students typically face. Working with a professional facilitator, postsecondary students serve as near-pear mentors to the younger members of this cohort with a specific focus on navigating these challenges.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.