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Monthly Investing Program

Mile High 360’s mission is to ensure that socioeconomic status does not limit a child’s future.

With its monthly giving program, Mile High 360 is committed to building an efficient participatory fundraising model, where its members are actively involved in slowing the momentum of generational poverty through education for students from historically marginalized communities. This approach - monthly investing tied to a specific cohort of students - shows how your investment “grows” over time, provides opportunities for supporters to join in, and has cohorts of students sharing their work, accomplishments, dreams, and goals.


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The Problem

A Historical Cycle

We recognize that the most pressing educational issue of the day remains unchanged from 20 years ago: historically underserved students fail to progress within our school system at alarming and disproportionate rates. This is a consequence of a consistent and cumulative, but often subtle, array of assaults on the lives of the students and their families. The consequence is a growing underclass, cut off from independence and caught in a cycle of poverty.

Changing The Cycle

More Than a Drop-in Approach


There are compelling and inspirational stories about individual members of historically disadvantaged groups who defy the odds and thrive. However, one-off successes are not going to change the averages. It is not until we change the systems for overall healthy educational well-being that we will begin to change the average outcomes. This work demands a long-term commitment from students, families, staff, board members, and supporters. Mile High 360 commits to this change by spending up to 14 years, or 3,700 hours, with each student member.


The Problem is National

The Solution is Local

While the problem is national, the solutions will be achieved at local levels, through collective action. As the Harvard Family Research Center points out: “schools alone cannot meet the learning needs of the country’s children [from disenfranchised communities]. As a result, at all levels - national, state, and local - there is growing interest in identifying non-school supports and opportunities that both complement learning in school and collectively result in better developmental outcomes.” Mile High 360 is a local support network, complementing the work of its school partners.


Through Education


While we are far from Horace Mann’s celebrated call for our public school system to be a “great equalizer” and the “balance wheel of society,” all of us understand that education is a viable pathway to a life of independence and choice. Mile High 360’s holistic and sustainable programming works towards opening that pathway: engaging its student members through essential resources and opportunities for youth to find choice and independence.

Student Experiences

Click each student's name to read just how much of an impact your donations have made:

Laura joined MH360 at the start of her 6th grade year at Bryant Webster Elementary School. A senior at CSU, Laura’s participation in Mile High 360 has evolved to include mentoring younger members who are trying to clear some of the same hurdles that Laura dealt with as she advises MH360’s high school Juniors and Seniors on the tricky transition to a postsecondary education, Additionally, Laura serves on the Executive Leadership team, providing insight into the continued evolution of MH360.

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“The relationships I have built with Mile High 360 have helped me achieve goals that I didn’t think I would ever reach.”

Alan joined MH360 as a 7th grader at Bryant Webster Elementary School. A recent graduate of Regis University and working with Huron Consulting, Alan is committed to “paying it forward” because there were so many times when others helped him. Being a member of MH360 for 13 years wasn’t always easy and there were times that he wanted to walk away. The relationships he formed with staff, peers, and stakeholders helped him persist through tough times.

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“The college visits offered by MH360 helped me visualize myself in a college setting. The most impactful visit was to Amherst College; I got to stay in a dorm and meet people from around the country.”

Angel joined MH360 at the start of the pandemic during his 10th grade. His cousins were members and Angel’s mom thought MH360 would be a great fit. It turns out she was right: MH360 is a great fit for Angel, and Angel is a great fit for MH360. Angel chooses to come to MH360 six days a week to work on everything from MH360’s community garden to his homework, from training for the Steamboat Gravel Grinder to completing scholarship applications (he will be attending Colorado Mesa University). Additionally, Angel is President of the Advisory Board.

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“Mile High 360 has become my second family…I will have these relationships for a lifetime.”

Nasly joined MH360 at the start of her 6th grade year at Bryant Webster Elementary School. She is not the only member of her family to join MH360; Nasly’s twin brother Carlo and older sister Cynthia are members of MH360. Nasly is an avid cyclist and decided to participate in a 10-day summer camp in 2021, where she and 10 other middle school students biked through Acadia National Park. In 2022, she went on another biking adventure and raced The Green Course at the Steamboat Gravel Grinder.

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“My first time on a plane was for a bike trip in the summer of 2021. I was nervous and had so much fun.”


“I have been investing my resources (time, money, and connections) in MH360’s students for more than a decade because I understand its impact. I want my resources to have a transformative impact and this is a way to do it.”

Maralyn Moore
Monthly Donor Since 2019